DE PROFUNDIS Reveal New Song Titles; New Live Pics Posted

April 21, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news de profundis

London-based progressive doom-metallers DE PROFUNDIS have issued the following update from guitarist Roman Subbotin:


Following a long weekend of setting up microphones and mixing consoles, laptop wizardry and Logic plug-ins we have completed the pre-production demos for all the tracks. This time we tried yet another production approach, recording everything live in a single room to get a much more organic and raw sound. There's more groove and this approach certainly worked immensely well with the more aggressive sections. Nick, our drummer, is an absolute machine! However, you'll have to take my word for this as there are no plans at present to release these demos...

We made the decision to remove the two promo tracks from our profile, as with the recording sessions for the new album only a few weeks away, we want people to hear the new tracks with a fresh set of ears. However, I can reveal the names of all the tracks that will appear on the second album. Here they are, in the order that the songs were composed: 'Ablaze In Autumn's Fire', 'Cease To Be', 'Nocturnal Splendour', 'Departure', 'Cold As A Grave', 'The Mourner', 'Longing'.

The album is untitled as-of-yet and the track order on the final CD will certainly differ to the one given above.

We're all really excited as the album recording will be a rather mammoth undertaking, since the music spans right across Black, Death, Doom metal and beyond. I think that the new songs are instantly recognisable as De Profundis compositions but everything is better crafted and more powerful than ever before.

As previous announced, we have played our last show before heading into studio to record the second album. Thanks to Atomik Hell Promotions, Red Raven Promotions, Dean & Pink and Clanglestrim Pro-Duck-Shins for organising the De Profundis gigs in March. We've uploaded some excellent new De Profundis live photos to our profile courtesy of Alex York.

We'll be providing more details about album production process over the coming weeks along with a video diary and photos. Stay tuned for more."

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