HACKNEYED Check In From The Studio

April 24, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news hackneyed

HACKNEYED drummer Tim checks in with the following update from the studio:

"After a few weeks of silence, we have some updates and news right from the battlefield. The last few days meant nothing but hard work to us and we are still recording at the Weltraumstudios in Munich (Germany). The guitar and drum tracks are already laid and let me tell you what - they really kick ass! Phil’s finished most of the vocals so we just have to finish them and get the bass tracks done.

Last but not least it’s also time to reveal some songtitles: 'Kingdom Of Thoughts', 'Guantanamo Bay Holiday', 'Deatholution', 'Redying', 'March Of The Worms', 'Weed Flavoured Meat'.

Keep your eyes peeled for Burn After Reaping – it will rip! Promise!"

For a complete list of upcoming Hackneyed live shows, click here.

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