GRAHAM BONNET On New ALCATRAZZ Album - "I Don’t Think We Should Be Scared Of Being Different"

April 27, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news alcatrazz graham bonnet

Vocalist Graham Bonnet (ALCATRAZZ, ex-RAINBOW) recently spoke with Ryan Spark at Classic Rock Revisited about the forthcoming Alcatrazz album. An excerpt is available below.

Ryan: You’re working on material right now for the first new Alcatrazz album since 1986. It’s been quite a long time.

Graham: "[laughing] Yeah. The story so far is I’ve been in touch with a few different outside writers and at the moment there’s one song that we’re definitely going to do. I got in touch with Russ Ballard who wrote 'Since You’ve Been Gone' for Rainbow and I told him that we wanted to do something different, something a little more progressive. We talked on the phone quite a bit so he could understand what I was looking for, which is something that sounds more 2010 as opposed to 1980, because I want to get away from that you know?

There will be elements of the original Alcatrazz sound but we’ve got to do something new otherwise it will sound like the same old stuff again. So he’s written a song for us called 'My Kingdom Come' which is a very grand title [laughing]. It’s quite epic and it’s got all of these elements in it that are heavy, light and in between and whatever you want to call it, but it’s a really good song. We’ve already started putting the drums down and we’re going to take it from there. We’re just starting now, I’m going through songs and I think we’ve got about ten ready to go. We’ve all been doing different things and it’s not like it used to be where we’d all go to rehearsal together and stand in the same room. Everything is done by mail now as you know, so you mail your parts in and do all the overdubs [laughing]. That’s where we are up to at this point; we have a lot of choices of what to put on this album, a lot of different kinds of things. We all want it to be different and I don’t think we should be scared of being different, even though it has been a long while as well. I think the people that liked what we did before always want to hear something new; they don’t want to hear the same old thing again."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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