VELVET REVOLVER Drummer Matt Sorum - "We Need A Singer Soon"

April 29, 2009, 15 years ago

velvet revolver news rock hard

"We need a singer soon," VELVET REVOLVER drummer Matt Sorum told MusicRadar in an exclusive interview. "We need the right guy in six months. We can't wait another year. Otherwise, it might not matter."

Sorum told MusicRadar that the band was recently close to deciding on a singer, whose identity he declined to reveal ("I want to protect him"), but after a few recording sessions, both he and various band members ultimately decided it wasn't the right fit.

"The way I like to put it is, we were 'dating,' says Sorum, chuckling. "We had already tried out SPACEHOG's Royston Langdon - came close there. Then we tried out a few more people, including this guy from Canada (Gord Prior), but nobody seemed appropriate. Then we found this other dude..."

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