Dallas Coyle Comments on Split From GOD FORBID, New Terminator Movie

April 30, 2009, 15 years ago

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Former GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has reinstated his popular and controversial blog series with MetalSucks, The Hard R. In his latest blog, Dallas talks about the new Terminator movie, Christian Bale's freakout, the desensitization of society to violence, and the reasons behind his split from God Forbid.

"A PG-13 rating these days is like an R rating ten years ago. We live in a culture where Zac Efron's new movie seems to be promoting fucking and having babies at 18 ( I didn't see it. I learned this on www.huffingtonpost.com). Observe and Report, Seth Rogen's mall cop movie, has an alleged date rape scene. It was rated R. Date rape ain't a laughing matter. Ten years ago it would have been NC-17.

Our kids are more extreme, they ingest more and they are getting smarter. Deathcore is a good example of how fast these kids have become. I literally saw a kid headbang to The Faceless so fast his head exploded. I'd say The Faceless is PG-13 but still bad ass. Especially with exploding heads of suburban white kids who love screamo-crunk!

I call this blog The Hard R because I talk about shit that you shouldn't talk about. When it comes to Terminator Salvation I'm sure it's going to kick all kinds of ass. Most likely the producers and studio paid for that so The Faceless fans and Asher Roth kids can go see the film without their mommies having to attend. In a way maybe PG-13 is helping our society. Maybe the 13-18 year olds will stop fucking and doing meth for a bit to go see these flicks?

To close, I left God Forbid because I had personal issues to deal with and I felt I needed to move on. I'm proud of my time with the band and I'm proud of all the records we made. It was time to move on and that's it."

To read the entire blog, visit Metal Sucks.

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