CRASH KELLY - Still Alive and Well

April 30, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard crash kelly

CRASH KELLY's Sean Kelly has issued the following update:

"Hey everyone, first of all, let me say a big THANK YOU for all of your messages and letters! I really appreciate hearing from everyone... we rock n roll fans have to stick together! Ya know, they keep telling me that the music industry is dying on the vine, and yet here we are in 2009, and reaching more people than ever... in fact, I'm finding it is MUCH easier to get in touch with the exact people who will dig the type of music that we're doing... life is good!

Things have been quiet on the live front... my agent assures me that there will be summer gigs happening very soon here in Canada. We would LOVE to get back to the US and Europe, and eventually over to Japan, but economics can make that very difficult! However, I am very hopeful that Crash Kelly will get out there again soon.

In the meantime, I have been VERY busy working with HELIX... we are writing for the new Helix record, and gearing up for a bunch of gigs, so it's looking like it's gonna be a crazy summer... can't wait for Rocklahoma, hope to meet some of you there!

I'm also working on my next nylon string record, and doing some writing and session work on some other projects... however, I am still working on material for the next CK release... while not being out and touring is a drag, the good news is that I have had more time to write, so creatively, I've been having a blast. Anyway, please keep the letters coming... it's so great to hear from you!"

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