GOD FORBID Guitarist Doc Coyle Opens Up About Split With Brother In New Video Interview

May 1, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

Metal Injection has posted a new interview with GOD FORBID guitarist Doc Coyle which was conducted a few weeks ago at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival. During the interview, Doc opened up about what happened with his brother, Dallas Coyle leaving God Forbid:

"We got into a stupid argument over something really meaningless and he [guitarist Dallas Coyle] quit the day we were supposed to leave for this tour (with LAMB OF GOD, AS I LAY DYING, CHILDREN OF BODOM and MUNICIPAL WASTE). It is what it is, it was upsetting, it was hurtful but it also happened at the time that we're doing the best tour we've ever done. We're playing in front of three, four thousand people a night, we only had a few days to figure out what we could do. We got on the horn, started calling people and tried to pick up like things never changed. Obviously, Dallas is a massive presence with the vocals and on stage, and is part of the identity of the band. It's definitely difficult from a fan's perspective or even for us, but frankly if he wasn't happy. I'd rather him be happy then be in the band."

Other topics discussed are new guitarist Kris Norris, the Lamb of God tour, Mayhem Fest, getting new fans and much more in this very revealing interview. Watch the full interview at this location.

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