SWARM OF THE LOTUS Reform, Begin Work On New Material

May 4, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news swarm of the lotus

In October 2006, Baltimore metal band SWARM OF THE LOTUS announced that they were officially breaking up. The band played their final show on November 1st, 2006 at Ottobar with GOATWHORE.

The band now check in with the following update:

"It's been nearly 3 years since the band "ended" and here we are. A lot has happened to us individually and our lives are so different from what they once were, but the one thing that has remained unchanged is the love of our music and the passion to play. And quite simply, we need to play, period. So that's what we intend to do. This time apart has allowed our heads to clear and regain focus. Get back to the real reason we started doing this in the first place, over 10 years ago. This time around, the approach is totally different and very relaxed. Between having kids and jobs, etc, it has to be. We just want to have fun, and whatever comes out of it, great and what doesn't, whatever. We aren't jumping into any extrvagent plans on touring but we aren't completely ruling it out. We plan to keep it to local and in-and-around the area shows, weekend warrior type stuff here and there, when we can and if something really worthwhile came along as far as an extended tour situation is concerned, we would take it into consideration.

Overall, we want to keep the atmosphere pressure-free and layed back. We also have definate future plans on writing and recording new material and in fact, in the few practices we've had recently, we already have begun. Individually, we've all never stopped writing, so right out of the gate we are set to work on a batch of new songs. This is something we're very excited about. Who we will work with and exactly when and so on, is all to be determined later and subject to our crazy life schedules, too early to tell.

As far as the line-up is concerned, we have decided to become a 3-piece, which is a bit different than the bands' tradition, but we like the way it sounds and feels, and chemistry wise, it's perfect and we don't want to disrupt that. So the lineup will be: Jon-John Michaud - drums, Chris Csar - bass/vocals, Peter Maturi - guitar/vocals.

We are ready to go and are hard at work putting together a set, in order to be able to play once again. Look for us to start playing shows by fall-2009 or there abouts. We will keep you all posted. We're stoked and can't wait and hope to see a lot of you again very soon!! All for now, take care, keep it heavy."

More on Swarm Of The Lotus at this location.

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