AEROSMITH Bassist Tom Hamilton On Performing Toys In The Attic In Its Entirety On Tour - "Yeah, We Are Talking About That As An Idea"

May 6, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

Jeb Wright from spoke with AEROSMITH bassist Tom Hamilton about a number of topics including the burning question: will the band perform Toys In The Attic in its entirety on tour?

Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Jeb: Rumors are leaking out that Aerosmith is going to play Toys In The Attic in its entirety.

Tom: "We have been talking about it for years, and people have been asking us about it for years; that topic has been on simmer for quite a while. I don’t want to say anything to raise peoples’ expectations because there is still a lot of decision making to do before we get out there, but, yeah, we are talking about that as an idea.

I think we have always been stymied by the fact that we have this audience that spans so much time. You have less people wanting the old stuff, but they are very intense about it. You have another group that wants to hear the more recent hits. We are trying to figure out how to do that and how to make the audience go home happy. We are really inspired by the idea, and the whole concept, of how these songs will sound all brought up to date. If you look at the Toys in the Attic album, then we have been playing 'Walk This Way' and 'Sweet Emotion' all these years.

Jeb: You went through a huge scare with cancer. Do you have a clean bill of health?

Tom: "I did go through a pretty shitty period with the cancer treatment. I was very confident that they were going to get rid of it. They told me they would get rid of it but they also told me that I was going to have to go through hell. They told me, all they way through the treatment, that they were going to get me through it. They said, 'We have done this tons of times and you are going to heal but it is going to suck a little bit.' I go back for checkups every couple of months and it is all clean.

Jeb: Your health and recovery are the most important thing here but you had a Lou Gehrig like streak of never missing an Aerosmith show broken due to your health issue.

Tom: "That is true, it really screwed up my attendance record. It was really tough thinking about the band going out there without me. I didn’t have to agonize over the decision as there was no way that it was going to work. I was not going to be able to go on that tour. Two or three months before the tour started, I was still telling everybody around me that I was looking forward to being out on tour with the band. The doctors, and the people around me, looked at me with understanding eyes and I finally realized that I was just not ready yet. When people have a period where they have to do cancer treatment, they have to go on a cul-de-sac for a while. A lot of people can’t accept it. People get stuck on that, 'Why did I get it? Why did this happen to me?' way of looking at things. Other people say, 'I am keeping my schedule full. I am not going to let this get me down.' We are all taught to admire that but people who really try to do that are the ones who don’t get through it very well. You have to accept it, which I did. It is now fading into the distance."

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