GOD FORBID - View The Making Of The 'War Of Attrition' Video

May 7, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

Enjoy this behind-the-scenes look into the making of GOD FORBID's 'War Of Attrition' video, which was shot by Ian McFarland (ALL THAT REMAINS, MESHUGGAH). Here's what Doc (Coyle, guitarist) had to say about it:

"Shooting videos kinda sucks. Especially performance videos. You have to head bang for ten hours in a row, fake play your songs, and you don't even know if all the work will pay off with an awesome video. With that said, this is by far the best performance video we've ever had and it really captures the intensity of the song. As you can see from the clip, we really put our trust in Ian who was incredible to work with. Ian and his crew were super professional. I can't wait for everyone to see the finished product. And like Dave Chappelle says,'Everything looks better in slow motion'."

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