HELIX - Video Footage From Writing Session With CRASH KELLY And PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Frontmen Available

May 11, 2009, 15 years ago

news pursuit of happiness rock hard crash kelly helix

HELIX vocalist Brian Vollmer has posted video footage from a recent writing session with CRASH KELLY frontman Sean Kelly and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS singer/founder Moe Berg for the band's next album. Check it out below.

As previously reported, Kelly recently discussed joining Helix as a full time member with Ryan Sparks at Classic Rock Revisited. An excerpt is available below:

Ryan: How cool is that you’re now a member of Helix, the first band you ever saw live in concert?

Sean: "I’m absolutely loving it and having such a blast. It’s one of those rock ‘n roll dreams come true."

Ryan: How did that all go down?

Sean: "It’s funny because I kind of always had a feeling that I’d end up playing with those guys, I can’t explain it. What happened was I received a phone call from a journalist friend of mine Mitch Lafon (BW&BK;), he had heard that Brian (Vollmer) was looking for a bass player. He suggested me to Brian and asked me if I’d be interested. He was the facilitator behind all that so I owe it all to Mitch. Just to let you know I’ve actually started work with Brian on writing the next Helix record, so we’ll probably have that done sooner than later. At first I was just going to be touring with them but he and I really hit it off so I’m writing and probably co-producing the next record [laughing]. When I dive into something, as my poor long suffering wife knows, I dive in full tilt [laughing]."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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