May 11, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news collapse the empire hydrogyn

HYDROGYN guitarist Jeff Westlake has announced the formation of his new band, COLLAPSE THE EMPIRE. The band also features frontman Justin Johnson (DOG SOLDIER), Chris Sammons (bass / Hydrogyn), and Josh Cumberland (drums / Hydrogyn).

Westlake has issued the following statement:

"This is another outlet for me and is nothing like Hydrogyn at all. It was something I had been looking for and not having any luck at all and then all of the sudden there it was."

Westlake went on to say that CTE is in no way going to interfere with Hydrogyn, and the two bands may even tour together.

Writing has begin on the Collapse The Empire's first album, Bak To Kado, with one track already complete. A tentative fall release has been scheduled.

Westlake: "I am looking forward to this alot and if this first track is any indication of what it can be then we are all in for a great time."

More details as we get them.

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