ASKA Issue Post-Keep It True Update, Ready For Warriors Of Metal

May 13, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news aska

Returning to Texas live, frontman/guitarist George Call of traditional metallers ASKA gave BW&BK; this summary of the 12th Keep It True festival, in Germany (April 24th - 25th).

"Anyway - KIT was freakin' awesome, as you can imagine, but don't take my word. (There) are excerpted reviews (and photos on our site: The beauty is they've all been unanimous in their praise, which coincides with the feeling we got while we were out there. As you can see from the photos, we had people all the way to the back of the hall and that didn't happen for many of the other bands throughout the two day weekend.

"We did get offered two (additional festivals) on the spot as well as offers from (labels) to do vinyl versions of our discs, re-releases of our earlier work, deals for a new one, etc! Now we're pluggin' away to get the new CD done and we hope to capitalize on the momentum we've been building. Met Achim Kohler (who produced a PRIMAL FEAR record or two) and he expressed definite interest in mixing/producing our next record, though it's mostly mixed already."
"On Sunday (April 26th), we played Rockzone's Die Halle (in Frankfurt), with Militia. According to the club owner and the promoter, the Militia/ASKA show set a new attendance record for Sunday, beating the LIZZY BORDEN and VICIOUS RUMORS who were the previous two high draws. In two shows (Keep It True/Frankfurt club show) we managed to sell out of every single CD we brought with us and every XXL, XL, and L t-shirt on hand, as well all of our black girlie shirts."
"Upon our return to the US, we've fielded offers to play the MN Metal fest and we've been talked to about potentially playing the Kansas City Power Fest. We've also discussed and been offered a mini tour with Ruthless, Tyrant & Tank which if they can get it off the ground, we're in."

Next up for Aska is a headlining slot on the first night of the Warriors Of Metal event in Chillicothe, OH (June 5th).

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