PETER CRISS Drum Tech Talks About Performing With KISS

May 13, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard peter criss kiss reports:

We continue our KISS special feature with the 27th interview of a KISS-related figure. This week, Ed Kanon, PETER CRISS’ long-time drum technician and the guy who replaced Peter behind the drums for a show back in 1997, tells us what he remembers from that experience!

Here’s an excerpt: You were in the very distinguished place –back in the April of 1997- to replace Peter behind the drums for the KISS concert in Columbus. Describe to us the whole experience and especially your feelings after the end of 'Deuce'...

Ed Kanon: "Well, it went really fast. We (the crew) were all set up, ready for the band to do sound check, and we noticed they weren’t even in the building yet. We waited, and waited, and waited. Then the vans pull in.

The band gets out, and heads to the dressing rooms. I notice there was no Peter. HHHHMMMMMM?????????? Doc (McGhee) walks up to me and says, “Nice Goatee, SHAVE IT!!!!!!”. Then says, “Come on, we have to go to the dressing room.”

The first thing I thought was, “Is Peter ok?” I got kind of scared. We walk into the dressing room. Paul is sitting there and says, “We have good news, and bad news. Bad news is, Peter can’t do the show. Good news is, you are.”

I remember at that moment, I could have freaked out, and probably ruined the whole thing, or don’t even think about it until later, and just do it. I chose the later. I said OK. I thought about the beginnings and endings of all of the songs. I seemed to be OK with everything.

I shaved, and started getting into costume. I remember Ace being really pissed off about it. But he ended up playing anyway. Tommy put my makeup on. I knew it would be alright, because I had played with them in sound checks, and a few rehearsals here and there, but never in a show setting with everything happening. Gene was nervous; I could see it on his face. I was cracking jokes with him to lighten the mood a bit. Paul seemed to be confident, or at least did a great job acting like he was. He seemed to be in good spirits.

So, we are ready to hit the stage. Next, I remember right before the show. We are on the stage. The rumbling is happening. I’m looking down at the 3 of them, looking at me, in makeup. Looking and my hands and arms, that are covered in jewels from Peters outfit, and thinking, “WOW, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??????” “Well, here we go.”

'Deuce' started, the concussion hit scared the shit out of me, and we’re off to the races. I fucked up the beginning of 'Let Me Go', started it WAY to fast. But it was OK. We picked it right up.

Next thing I know is we are most of the way through the show. I haven’t played that long of a set in a long time. My arms were really tired. So, doing some arm yoga, I was able to loosen up and not hit so hard, and the adrenaline was wearing off.

Next thing I know. It’s 'Rock And Roll All Night', and it’s the end of the show. It went that fast. Then Doc said “You’re gonna look really stupid up there tearing your drums down in the make up.” Doc is got a great sense of humor. They all do actually. It was a surreal experience to say the least.

Read the full interview here.

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