DUFF McKAGAN’s LOADED Seeking Street Team Members, Prizes Up For Grabs

May 13, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard loaded duff kagan

DUFF McKAGAN’s LOADED, featuring VELVET REVOLVER / ex GUNS N' ROSES bassist Duff McKagan, have issued the following update:


It’s Party Time!!! And here are the details!

As you know, we’re assembling the Loaded Street Team (that's you) to help educate the uneducated as to who we are, what we do, how we do it and where we’re gonna do it! In our humble opinions, you’ll be doing a great deed for your friends, family and fellows; you’re going to get them loaded!! And in exchange for your honorable service, we’re going to reward your best efforts with cash and prizes. Well, no cash, but some prizes. So here’s what we want you to do:

1) Get Your Friends Loaded!

Just follow the links below. Download the flyers or posters. Run off a shitload of copies

Get your camera out and hit the streets! And by hit the streets we mean Get This Shit Out There! If we’re coming to your town, put the date and venue for our show on the posters and put 'em up wherever you can… at the office, in the gym, on the bulletin board in your school/ dorm/ rehab… wherever!. Shit, let’s see em at the Police Station, at the Liquor Store… anywhere you can put a poster, Put Those Fuckers Up! Then take a picture of you masterpiece.

With the little-guy flyers, get them near the cash register at any store you can… cool stores too… lingerie stores, sex shops, record stores, music stores, liquor stores, medical marijuana stores, where ever! And oh yeah, they go great on cars at other concerts. Most important is that you have fun… be a little naughty if ya want, make a mess if ya want… but have fun. And take pictures!!! Then just send your pics to loadedrocker@yahoo,com. We’ll post them on the soon to be added street team pics page and at the end of each month, we, being the deciders and the arbiters of artistry, will pick the best work from the photos submitted. Winners will choose from:

-- an outgoing message on their phone from Duff and the guys
-- a free Loaded t-shirt
-- a meet and greet with the band at the show closest to you!
-- an autographed Loaded Sick CD

Here are the links:



2) Show us the strangest place you’ve gotten Loaded

Take your iPod, CD, 8 track or whatever you’ve got with our music on it, go wherever your friends are and Let That Shit Rip!!! Then get your phone out and video the whole thing!

If it’s while your roommates/ spouse or parents are sleeping (Bam style)? Cool. Changing room at Macys? Hot and cool. In rush hour traffic (AKA driving while Loaded)? Bummer, but cool! At a baseball game (Mariners?)? Cool. If it’s at cheerleading practice? Very cool! Shit, if it’s at the 'gentleman’s establishment?' Very fucking cool! If it’s in church? Cool.

Whatever it is, let’s see and hear that shit!!!!

Then you just email the file to us at loadedrocker@yahoo,com. We’ll post your goods on our youtube channel. At the end each month, the clip with the highest rating wins one of our modest but ever so delightful prizes:

-- an outgoing message on their phone from Duff and the guys
-- a free Loaded t-shirt
-- a meet and greet with the band at the show closest to you!
-- an autographed Loaded Sick CD

Whatever you decide to do and however you do it, we want you to know how much we appreciate your support. We’re counting on you to help spread the word and have some serious fucking fun at the same time. We hope we’ll be hearing from ALL of you! GAME ON!!!"

Duff, Geoff, Jeff and Mike

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