AC/DC Preparing A Spectacle In Belgrade

May 26, 2009, 15 years ago

news ac rock hard dc

BLIC Online is reporting:

Everything is ready for the spectacle of the year- concert of the band AC/DC in Belgrade. Setting up of the spectacular stage was finished yesterday afternoon and the concert organizers expect about 40,000 people to come to the performance of excellent Australian musicians at the Partizan stadium.

The stage for the concert- 21 meters deep and 75 meters high- has been set up in the northern part of the stadium. However, it is only a hint of the music and visual effect that the audience can expect. Which band can boast that their concert starts with a locomotive coming to the stage, with a great bell landing onto the stage and not to mention a huge doll with enlarged breasts, while the concert will end with a roar of a cannon…

Just like the other concerts on the Black Ice tour, AC/DC will play in Belgrade for two hours and with the exception of several songs from their new album, all other songs will mostly be their greatest hits. Gates of the stadium will open at 3 PM and support bands who are also going to perform are AMAJLIJA and THE ANSWER.

“We appeal to the audience to go to the concert in time in order to avoid crowd congestion in the vicinity of the stadium. Cameras and camcorders, even amateur ones, are strictly forbidden and will be confiscated at the entrances,” said Aleksandar Rados, PR of the concert, adding that people without tickets will not be able to approach the stadium, due to two security rings which will allow in only visitors with tickets.

Members of the legendary band arrive in Belgrade today before the concert and will leave Serbia tomorrow morning.

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