OVIF To Play Free St-Jean-Baptiste Gig In Montreal

June 12, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news ovif

Montreal-based thrashers OVIF check in with the following update from drummer/guitarist Erick Paquin:

"Just letting you know we'll be playing a free gig for Quebec's National holiday, St-Jean-Baptiste, on June 23rd at Café Chaos in Montreal.

There will be a bunch of other metal bands joining us there too that night. Da beers will be a-flowin' on that one!! hehe

Hope to see you all there and party with us!! Hopefully we won't be totally wacked out of our minds by the time we hit the stage!! haha!

A wicked thrash summer to all you crazy ass metallers out there!!"

More on Ovif at this location.

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