KATATONIA Issue Studio Diary Part 1; Photos Available

June 16, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news katatonia

Anders "Blakkheim" Nyström from Swedish metallers KATATONIA has issued the following studio update:

"After a long nocturnal car ride through heavy rain and on frog flooded roads, me, Daniel (Liljekvist) and David (recording engineer) finally found the lonesome path leading to a studio pretty much located in the middle of nowhere. We got the gear into the studio, had a quick lookaround and were then heading for bed. Both me and Daniel were (are) sick and since drugs are a big part of rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle we went through our medicine stash and found a big bottle of cough surpressing stuff that would also provide extra good sleep... yummy.

Day two was all about getting the drums up. Provided with a beautiful orange Gretsch kit Daniel started to play around with his setup. It took some time. Putting up all the microphones took some time as well. By midnight we could finally hear the sound of the drum kit through the studio monitors.

Me and Daniel had a walk around the studio building and found: 1. an electric fence (that we wanted to but didn’t have the guts to touch) and 2. two cows (that we wanted to but didn’t have the guts to touch). Time to hit the sack again with some sleep providing liquid.

Day three, four and five can be compressed into one word: drums. The ultimate instrument. Daniel is playing better than ever despite his sickness and the new material is shining even more with real drums on the songs. Difficult parts (to my ear) are smoothly executed and easy going parts are... easy going. It’s interesting to discuss with Daniel about the direction the drums are headed for certain songs and parts, since this is the first time we’ve actually met and listened through the new material together... that’s the way we work, folks. Exciting times ahead!"

View this studio diary with pictures on the Katatonia Facebook page.

As previously reported, Katatonia's eighth album is set for a late October release on Peaceville. Further updates to follow.

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