JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing - "It's Always Difficult To Put A Setlist Together"

June 19, 2009, 15 years ago

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BackstageAxxess.com has issued an interview with JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Gus Griesinger:

Q: In a couple of weeks, you guys are going out on tour with WHITESNAKE, which is a completely different band than Priest. How did this package come about?

A: "I’m not really sure. I know someone suggested it. When the agents got wind of it they said they really love it and wanted to do it. I wish I can say I thought if it."

Q: So are you excited about the tour?

A: "Yeah totally. I was unaware that it has been 30 years since the release of British Steel but I’m very happy to go out there to commemorate that. It was such a crucial point in the bands career."

Q: Talking about British‘ Steel, you guys will be playing the album in its entirety. Why did the band decide to play an entire album rather than play select songs from your entire catalog?

A: "It’s always difficult to put a setlist together. The one good thing is at least it’s a main start of a good set to play a whole album from front to back. Also, it seems very popular, now that bands are doing this sort of thing. Bands like QUEENSRŸCHE, MÖTLEY CRÜE, IRON MAIDEN, and some other bands, as well, are doing it. Everybody is loving it so we are really pumped up about it!"

Read the full interview at this location.

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