SWASHBUCKLE - Online Game, eCard Launched

June 19, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news swashbuckle

New Jerseys nautical thrash trio SWASHBUCKLE have just launched an eCard for their upcoming album, Back To The Noose due on July 24th via Nuclear Blast.

Besides getting snippets of the entire album, pictures, merch etc, the eCard includes the phenomenal Cruise Ship Terror online game which is tied to an awesome competition.

Play the game and shoot as many cruise ships as you can to enter the highscores list. The competition starts right now and will end on August 1st.

That one scallywag that hold position #1 of the highscores list will win a Meet & Greet with the almighty Swashbuckle at Paganfest Europe 2009.

(Please note that only European inhabitants may participate on the competition. Nuclear Blast will not bear any expenses for traveling to the concert.)

Check out the eCard and the Cruise Ship Terror online game at this location.

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