Artist Responsible For Creating Rock And Roll Over Artwork Working On New KISS Album; Interview Available

June 22, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard kiss

Michael Doret, the artist responsible for creating the artwork for KISS' 1976 album Rock And Roll Over is currently working on the band's as-yet-untitled new album, due out later this year. spoke with Doret about working with KISS. A few excerpts follow: You said you drew your inspiration (for the KISS cover) from a job for a (Japanese) magazine cover, IDEA. Where did you get your inspiration for that cover?

Doret: "The magazine was doing a feature on my work and they asked me to come up with a cover for that issue. I did the cover image to look like a shooting gallery. So the inspiration probably goes all the way back to Coney Island—but the direct inspiration was also vintage tin toys and tin litho target games. Anyway I did the IDEA cover first and the whole KISS / Rock and Roll Over thing came afterward. I loved the way the IDEA cover came out, the way I had them print it in Pantone colors—it almost felt like a silkscreen. I really wanted to go that route again. As the members of KISS were wearing Kabuki-style makeup, the Japanese-y approach I did on the IDEA cover seemed a perfect match. So I came up with that graphic and used a similar color scheme and look. We even did it in five flat colors - not in 4 color process." (The KISS cover) was like a shooting gallery then?

Doret: "Not at all. It turned out to be more like a mandala, more Asian-influenced. I was just going for the look I had come up with on that other cover. The visual theme I chose came out of the album’s name, the Rollover thing. There was no 'right side up' to that cover…An interesting side-note is that after all these years since I did that work for KISS, they’ve come back to me and asked me to design their next CD cover. It’s a big project, and at the moment, I’m totally immersed in it."

Read the entire interview here.

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