AEROSMITH Drummer Joey Kramer Talks About New Book, Hit Hard: A Story Of Hitting Rock Bottom At The Top

June 24, 2009, 15 years ago

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AEROSMITH drummer Joey Kramer spoke with about a number of topics recently including his new book, Hit Hard: A Story Of Hitting Rock Bottom At The Top. Here are a few excerpts from the chat: You talk about hitting rock bottom while you're at the top. Obviously, there's abuse in there. How many times did it take for you to go, 'I need to change up things. I need to clean up my act'?

Kramer: "Well, about 20 years worth of drug and alcohol abuse. But what happened really was, when we were putting the band back together . . . well, not that the band had ever completely split up, 'cause Tom and I and Steven held it together. But when Joe and Brad came back into the band and we got Tim Collins as a manager, Tim told us, 'Listen, I can help you guys out, but you have to clean up the drugs and the alcohol out of your life.' That was pretty much the start of it. And coincidentally, at that point in my life, I was pretty much ready to do that. But I didn't know how . . . I needed the help and I didn't know how to ask for it. [Tim] was there, and fundamentally put us on the road to recovery." The book is full of fantastic stories, but did you have hesitations? Did it take some time to consider writing the book?

Kramer: "Not really, because I have this feeling in my heart that there's so many people that are able to relate to the story, and are able to identify with it, that that didn't really cross my mind. Really, my goal with the book is to help people. And, yeah, there are stories in it about the band and my journeys through life, but the thread that runs through the book is the confusion that people have between love and abuse. That is such a time-sensitive subject that so many people, I think and I hope, will relate to."

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