PROJECT: FAILING FLESH Singer Checks In From The Studio

July 1, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news failing flesh project

PROJECT: FAILING FLESH's new album Count Back From Ten is nearing completion. Frontman Eric Forrest (E-FORCE / ex-VOIVOD) is currently laying down vocals for the next album.

Forrest checks in with the latest update from the studio:

"Hello, how's it going? Well, it's going killer as usual down here in Virginia at Assembly Line Studios. Great to be back in the USA! Tracks have been going pretty fast, have three more to do and managed a photo shoot today with photographer named Brian Bridgewater.... P:FF #3?? Fans of the first two albums will not be disappointed. It's a little different in some parts, but still has the P:FF signature in my opinion... check it out when released, enjoy!"

For more info on P: FF visit this location.

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