Former YES Drummer BILL BRUFORD Featured In New Audio Interview

July 2, 2009, 15 years ago

news yes rock hard bill bruford

Sterling Whitaker at We Will Rock You has checked in with the following update:


Wanted to let everyone know that Part Two of my in-depth interview with former Yes/King Crimson/Earthworks drummer Bill Bruford is now playing at We Will Rock You

In this segment we discuss the mythos of sex, drugs and rock and roll vs. the working musician’s view of the business; back room deal making and influence trading and how that helped launch the career of Yes; payola and how it has evolved into 'independent record promotion'; personality clashes in bands and whether that conflict is healthy or unhealthy; differences in Yes and how they affected the band; and Robert Fripp.

Stay tuned for Part Three, which I will post Monday (June 6th)."

Sterling Whitaker

We Will Rock You

Check out the interview via the links below:

-- Part One
-- Part Two

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