EVERGREEN TERRACE Post First Single, Launch New MySpace

July 6, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news evergreen terrace

Jacksonville, Florida's EVERGREEN TERRACE have posted the first single from their upcoming full length, Almost Home. 'Enemy Sex' is now available for fans to stream on the band's MySpace page.

Speaking on the significance of the new album's title, James says, “We are a touring band, and it feels like we are forever saying we're ‘almost home.' Touring is something that nothing compares to, but there's a feeling of almost being home that resonates with all of us. In a way the band has come full circle back to its original home. We started this band for fun, and it lead us to success. Writing this album has brought us back to the beginning. It has been fun, crazy, frustrating, insomniatic and even with the inevitable pressure, pretty carefree.”

Almost Home is the band's sixth studio album and will be available everywhere September 29th.

Evergreen Terrace's drummer, Kyle Mims, was recently injured in a bike accident and suffered a broken collar bone.

“On July 2nd, Kyle went back to the doctors and they told him that if he wants to continue to play drums he will have to have surgery. The surgery will cost him $10,000. They require $5,000 up front and the other $5,000 once the surgery is complete. His emergency room bills, tests, ambulance ride, etc. is estimated to be an additional $10,000. He was very close to receiving health insurance through his work, but unfortunately this happened before it did.

Kyle's mom and stepdad (Stacy and Mark Earle) have set up a donation site if you are interested. If not, then please keep him in your thoughts.”

Drummer Caleb James will be filling in on drums for the upcoming Summer Slob Tour with THE ACACIA STRAIN, CRUEL HAND and UNHOLY.

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