ONSLAUGHT Confirm More TESTAMENT Opening Dates In The UK

July 8, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news onslaught testament uk

UK thrashers ONSLAUGHT have been added to two more TESTAMENT UK tour dates. The band's itinerary is now as follows:


20 - Sheffield, UK - Corporation
21 - Glasgow, UK - Garage

22 - Newcastle, UK - 02 Academy
23 - Bristol, UK - 02 Academy
25 - Wolverhampton, UK - Wulfren Hall

As well, Onslaught have added a headline show on their day off on Friday, July 24th at Playfest in Abertillery, UK. Tickets for the Abertillery show are only £5 in advance (£6 on the day) and are available from the venue or call Matt on 07811 762946.

On July 20th, Candlelight Records will release Onslaught's Live Damnation. A new e-card for the release is now available at this location. The album was recorded at the Damnation Festival on November 22nd, 2008 in Leeds, UK.

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