DEF LEPPARD Guitarist VIVIAN CAMPBELL - "It Really Makes No Financial Sense To Spend A Year Making A Record"

July 12, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard vivian campbell def leppard

DEF LEPPARD guitarist Vivian Campbell recently spoke with about the recording process in the present day versus the past. An excerpt from the discussion is available below.

Campbell: "It really makes no financial sense to spend a year or whatever making a record the way Def Leppard used to do it because it doesn't pay in the end because not enough people are buying records. So you're spending money that you're never going to see back. Although it is fun creatively. We'll always do that and we enjoy doing that. We've also fortunately gotten better at making records quicker and cheaper, so that just kind of pans out in the end, but it's all about playing live. That's what we do really, really well and that's what we enjoy doing."

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Current tour dates featuring Def Leppard, POISON and CHEAP TRICK can be found here.

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