RONNY MUNROE On METAL CHURCH - "I Hope One Day We Will Get Back Together"

July 13, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news ronny munroe metal church correspondent Deb Rao recently spoke with METAL CHURCH frontman Ronny Munroe for an exclusive update on the band's decision to call it quits (details here, his solo album The Fire Within, and Rocklahoma highlights . Check it out below.

Q: Metal Church has announced that they are disbanding and Rocklahoma would be their final gig. Are you disheartened about this decision?

Munroe: "Yes I am, very sad. But this had to happen. Too many things to get into but I'll say this, I hope one day we will get back together."

Q: You recently performed double duty at Rocklahoma and also appeared with your solo band. Tell us your solo set at Rocklahoma.

Munroe: "I performed four tracks off The Fire Within as well as Metal Church songs from my era and the past. It's a pretty well rounded set. And it was very cool for me to be playing twice at Rocklahoma."

Q: Recently you released The Fire WIthin. How is everything going with the release? How has the response been to your solo release? Have you reached your goal with the production and sales?

Munroe: "For the way the industry is right now, I'm very happy about how it's going. I just signed a deal with Metal Heaven out of Germany and it will be out over in Europe as well as Russia in late September. So, The Fire Within will be available almost every where in the U.S and the rest of the world. As far as reaching my goal, my goal was to sell 10 million so I'm still working on that (laughs)."

Q: Metal Church were really one of the pioneers of metal. How did it feel to work with Kurdt (Vanderhoof/guitars). What was the highlight of your time performing with Metal Church?

Munroe: "Kurdt is the one that gave me the opportunity to get to where I'm at and I will forever be thankful for that. As far as highlights, the whole thing has been an experience, some ups and downs but I have had a great time and made some great fans!"

Q: What are your future touring plans?

Munroe: "To go where ever the fans want me with my music and passion. I'm never going to stop making music and doing what ever comes along with it!"

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