ASKA - Rocklahoma Recap; Asked to Play All Four Days Next Year!

July 15, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news aska

Texas traditional metallers, fresh from scorching German audiences at Keep It True, took on Rocklahoma last weekend. Charismatic frontman/guitarist George Call offers the following perspective, not only on ASKA's performance, but the festival in general.

"Rocklahoma was cool man. We played Thursday, just before former Metal Bladers HALLOW'S EVE (who we are incidentally reteaming with in Atlanta, Georgia for the Pathfinder Metal Fest, October 23-24th). Our set was a solid selection of songs culled from four of our five CDs (Immortal to Absolute Power) and despite the heat and ANVIL's sound check during our set - we had a good crowd and a hearty reception. We had metal brothers and sisters from all over the USA and world present: New Mexico, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma, Phillipines, Brazil were represented in just some of the fans I recall talking to. We also had members of HALCYON WAY, HALLOW'S EVE and REVENGEANCE, among others, who made a point of catching our set. Of course, being that it was Thursday, the grounds weren't as full as they were on Friday and Saturday, so more people missed us than saw us. Nonetheless, word of our performance spread and since we were there wandering about and catching bands for the full run, we kept getting approached by people who said they'd heard we rocked or wanted to buy a CD, shirt or get an autograph. This must have been the general consensus with the promoters as well because by late in the second day we were approached and asked if we wanted to play another show or two over the weekend to cover for other acts that had cancelled or not been able to make it due to unforeseen circumstances. We would have loved to, but since we originally had been scheduled for the only one show, Daryl Norton (guitar) had already made his way back to D/FW (Dallas-Fort Worth) mid-Friday (his job beckoned). We had no choice but to say we couldn't, but then to our surprise, we were offered a slot next year, right there on the spot. In fact, we were offered four slots as it was made very clear they'd love to have us perform all four days next year! We said we thought that would be cool as Hell and we left it at that."
"As for some of the other bands, I was personally blown away by ICON. They had a new singer that was a dead ringer for the old one and their set sounded even better than their recorded output. I also enjoyed LORD TRACY's set enough to buy a CD and a DVD. We had to miss ANVIL ,as they started their set while we were tearing down our gear but since Lips and Rob Reiner are friends with Danny White (Aska drummer, they toured together on that ANVIL/Phantom X tour - the same one that made them cinema darlings - Danny's left hand is in the movie and he appear in a song credit at the end of the film) we did end up hanging out with them in their green room later that evening. Lips apparently took a nasty fall onstage. We also hung out with SAXON, whom we'd played with before in Dallas at a concert hall/bowling alley that they all remembered fondly. After hanging with Saxon for a bit at their place Nibbs Carter decided he wanted to come and hang at ours so we all cruised through the grounds unmolested to our RV where the Jaeger shots disappeared in honor of Danny's birthday (yes the band and audience sang him Happy Birthday onstage at our show!) and we made all manner of metal-inspired toasts before we headed back at the end of the night."
"LIZZY BORDEN's set on Saturday was probably the best of the fest. Lizzy is a master showman and pulled off one of the best shows I've ever seen at his first American festival appearance ever. After his set my right hand was covered in blood (ok, ok, red corn syrup) put there by Lizzy himself from where I was poised down in front of the stage. My hand wasn't the only thing red either. My shoulders were FRIED as they soaked in the sun while I marvelled, gape-jawed, at Lizzy's brilliant performance. Hail Lizzy! RATT was cool and DANGER DANGER won me over bigtime. Prior to seeing them I only had one CD by the band and now have plans to seek everything they have with Ted Poley on vocals. He was ready to pass out though. I think they called their set early, because it was so frickin' hot and he'd not paced himself. Nonetheless, they were awesome and their new guitarist makes one say 'Andy who'?"

More info on ASKA, including tour dates and song samples, can be found at

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