UFO Drummer Andy Parker Issues Road Diary; Photos Available

July 17, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard ufo

UFO drummer Andy Parker has issued the following road update:

"It's that time once again when I attempt to bring you all up to speed on the latest happenings in the UFO camp. I apologize in advance for all the references here to tracks from The Visitor but I promised the web-mistress that I would name-check as many of the songs as possible, so here goes.

As most of you probably already know we have just finished a five week run of shows in Europe including twelve in the UK. To say that I had an absolute blast would be a total understatement and judging by the comments in the guest-book it would appear that most of you did too. For those of you who don't know, we had a stranger in town, the amazing blonde haired bass player who's been filling in for Pete - Mr. Barry Sparks. This was my first time getting to play with Barry and from the day we started rehearsals I could tell that it was going to be a real pleasure. Not only is he an awesome musician and a great guy but he is also a huge UFO fan - in fact I challenge anyone to come up with a UFO song that he doesn't know. Believe me I've tried and failed - the man is a walking UFO juke box! I'm sure you will all agree that he was undeniably Rock Ready and did a magnificent job. Along with my thanks I would also like to extend my congratulations to Barry and his lovely wife Alex on the upcoming birth of 'Baby Sparks', later this year. It's their first, a girl, and we wish them all the best.

The next run of shows will feature Mr. Rob De Luca on bass. Those of you who caught any shows on the last U.S. tour will already know that Rob is an outstanding musician and we are very pleased to welcome him back. He already hit the ground running playing the Mossingen show on July 4th and he will be with us at Wacken and the Bulldog Bash in a couple of weeks.

Back to the recent tour.... The first few shows went very well, even the Rock Hard festival in Gelsenkirchen where I thought we might seem rather out of place among bands like SACRED REICH and CHILDREN OF BODOM. There was no need to worry however, the audience were very appreciative, Saving me from any trepidations, and we had a mammoth signing session after the show. Good to see our old mates SAXON too, who were topping the bill.

On then to Solvesborg and Sweden Rock Festival, another great show although Vinnie reckons it was the coldest gig he's ever played. Cheers to our tour manager Tonio who kept the boys' fingers from freezing by supplying them with bottles of hot water throughout the show. Me, I was having too much fun to feel the cold but I do have some words of advice. If you are heading to Scandinavia you had better take plenty of money, it has to be one of the most expensive places I've ever been. You certainly can't buy a thrill at those prices - at least not on our expenses! As you can imagine we were all very happy to reach the UK where you can still buy a full English breakfast without having to take out a mortgage. I was particularly happy that the ferry crossings went smoothly, being the world's worst sailor. Hell I can get seasick just standing On The Waterfront.

The U.K. shows were fantastic, you guys really did us proud. The venues were all well sold and the crowds were really enthusiastic. It was great to see so many old friends show up. Special thanks to Dave 'Lights' Beasley and Tris Geatrex for all their hard work. Also a special stop breaking down mention to our bus driver Costa who got us out of trouble when our bus decided to shed all its fan belts and we were forsaken by roadside assistance. Thanks to his ingenuity we made it to the Cambridge show on time and intact. Thanks buddy, we owe you one. While I am on the subject of drivers some of you at the Belfast show may have noticed a character with an uncanny resemblance to a certain German guitar player. If you did, don't worry it wasn't Michael moonlighting, just our relief bus driver Robert or Hell Driver as he became known. While I think of it, a big thank you to the chaps in Belfast who gave us the commemorative glass plaque, we really appreciate it fellas - and also a big thank you to Paul Chug, who saved our bacon by topping us up with milk and tea-bags. THANK YOU!

Also many thanks to the crew from the A1 Bus Company who, unlike the many Villains & Thieves out there, did a great job repairing our bus. Well done lads! The rest of the tour went pretty smoothly after that. All in all we had some fantastic shows with some great supports. DIRTY SHOES in Brighton (hope your drummer is doing ok!), RAVEN VANDELLE on several shows, great to see you guys again, TOXIC FEDERATION in Wolverhampton, ROLLING THUNDER in Manchester, AXXIS in Speyer and anyone else I have missed.... great job, all of you!

I guess that just about wraps things up, except for me to thank all of you who came to the shows and made them so successful - we really couldn't do it without you - and to thank our management and crew, Peter Knorn, Tonio Neuhaus, the recently married Mr. Martin Leissner (congratulations!), Eric Holzhauser, Hille, Daniel, Rob, Andre and of course Kate - we definitely couldn't do it without you guys. And last but by no means least the rest of the band Phil, Paul, Vinnie and Barry, thanks guys for one of the most enjoyable tours ever, and if you want to see a drummer having way too much fun just look for me, I'm the living proof.

Catch you on the next leg, till then, keep on rockin!

Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from our recent roadtrip."

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