Report: Ticket Delays Anger AC/DC Fans

July 28, 2009, 14 years ago

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New Zealand's has issued the following report from Michael Fox:

Frustrated AC/DC fans have had to deal with Ticketek blunders today which saw many buyers ending up with more tickets than they wanted and others struggling to buy any at all.

But the Ticketek country director said it had been a successful day and the problems that some people experienced were not large-scale faults and were to be expected with large customer demand.

Many customers have expressed their frustrations at Ticketek, the agent for AC/DC concert ticket sales in Wellington, saying they experienced website problems this morning.

Weta Digital visual artist Dave Abbott was one of the people affected by the meltdown.

"I was pretty frustrated this morning," he said.

While he had managed to finally get tickets, at least six other people in his office experienced the same problem, he said.

"The cornerstone of their business (should be) making sure that that whole stuff is flawless but it just completely fell apart under pressure."

Though the website had said not to book any more tickets and to ring to check whether his purchase had been successful, he had spent half an hour trying to get though only to have an automated message tell him the phone lines were overloaded, he said.

"I tried to (book tickets) twice so potentially I could've spent $700 on tickets."

Ministry of Health analyst Brett Lousich wanted five tickets but ended up with 15 - costing him $2,700 in what he called an "absolute debacle".

He said he had thought his efforts to buy tickets had been aborted twice before a message told him not to buy any more after his third attempt and to call them to see whether his order had gone through.

He said when he finally got though to Ticketek he was told he had ordered five tickets successfully but a call to his bank showed he had paid for 15 tickets and been charged $2,700 worth of charges.

"Even to this point in the day I still haven't received any confirmation that my order's gone through via email," he said.

"I guess the thing that annoys me is they haven't put anything on the website explaining at all what's gone wrong. They could have emailed all the people that have had issues," he said.

Read the full report at

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