Moncton Gears Up For AC/DC Show

July 29, 2009, 14 years ago

news ac rock hard dc

Alan Cochrane from is reporting:

Forecasters are predicting great weather for next Thursday's AC/DC concert in Metro.

According to AccuWeather, the legendary rock band will take the stage at Moncton's Magnetic Hill Concert Site next week under clear skies.

The AccuWeather forecast for Metro shows mainly clear and sunny skies for the first week of August with temperatures ranging in the high 20s Celsius through the day and down to 10C-12C through the nights.

August is traditionally the warmest month of the year in Metro Moncton and most prone to thunderstorms.

"We rarely set up a show when it doesn't rain some," says Pascal Dubé of Stage Crew Inc., the Shediac-based company that keeps busy through the summer months setting up staging and lights for special events and concerts. "We plow through the rain and do the job. We can't climb the steel structures if there is lighting. We can keep working on the ground through a lightning storm but we can't go up on the steel. But lightning storms usually last only a couple of hours and then we can get going again."

Dubé said he is still in the process of hiring some extra crew members for AC/DC job, with about 200 people working during the peak time, which is right after the show ends. The crews will begin work on Sunday and basically go non-stop with only a break during show day.

The tear-down will begin immediately after AC/DC leaves the stage. Dubé said the equipment will arrive on 50 to 70 transport trucks. The stage and steel skeleton go up first, followed by the light and sound towers.

The sound, light and video equipment will go up on Wednesday and everything must be ready for sound checks early Thursday before the gates open at 3 p.m.

Read more here.

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