MÖTLEY CRÜE Drummer TOMMY LEE - "Everybody Knows Each Other's Dysfunctions And We Work Together On Them; It's All Good"

July 30, 2009, 14 years ago

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Alan Sculley at The Daily Herald recently conducted an interview with MÖTLEY CRÜE drummer Tommy Lee. An excerpt from the story appears below:

Lee, in a recent phone interview, said the Saints CD helped reintroduce Mötley Crüe as a fully functioning band. But its biggest benefit may have been internal.

"For us, we really needed to make some new music," Lee said. "Just for inspiration, like God bless all the great songs that we get to play, but even at the end of the day you've got to play some new stuff."

Still, the path to making Saints Of Los Angeles and then a touring cycle that began with last summer's multi-band spectacle, Crüe Fest, was not entirely smooth.

In September 2007, there were rumors that Lee was once again leaving the band. But by the time Mötley Crüe booked the first Crüe Fest, Lee was officially in the lineup.

Lee acknowledged that there were issues in 2007, but dodged the question of whether he officially quit Mötley Crüe.

"You know, when I left to do Methods [of Mayhem] I just was like, 'I've got to go, guys,' " he said. "Even then I don't really know if I ever quit. I don't think I ever quit anything. I'm not a quitter. I just needed to take a break. I'm definitely not a quitter, and if I was going to quit, I'm going to make sure that I go out with a bang."

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