SLAYER Singer Tom Araya Talks About World Painted Blood - "The Songs Take You On A Roller Coaster Ride"

August 4, 2009, 15 years ago

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SLAYER singer Tom Araya spoke with Arielle Castillo from recently about a number of topics including the band's forthcoming album, World Painted Blood. A few excerpts from the chat follow: You've said that usually, you start the recording with your songs already written, but this time you spent a lot of time on pre-production in the studio. Why the change?

Araya: "We actually started recording in October of last year - Jeff (Hanneman- guitarist) had three songs. We recorded the three songs, and it kind of just fell together real quick. We were supposed to do a North American tour in January, but we didn't, because everybody felt really good in the studio with Greg (Fidelman - producer). We figured, 'Alright, once we get our European tour out of the way, we'll come home and start recording.' Then when we got back to the studio, Jeff and Kerry (King - guitarist) both came in with a good four or five songs each, and just started putting together new songs in the studio. It would be like, while we were working on the drums, Jeff went home and worked on new stuff, while the rest of us were finishing up what was already started. It was the same with Kerry. When he was done with his parts, he would head home and work on new material, then come back and play it to Dave (Lombardo - drummer). A lot of the songs, we learned them and put them together in the studio, as opposed to rehearsing them first after coming in." You've also said the writing process was more collaborative this time around.

Araya: "It was, actually. Music-wise, it was, between the three of them (Hanneman, King, and Lombardo). Then I got an input as far as guitar parts and stuff. But usually we all sit there and say, 'Wow, that sounds great,' or 'We don't like it.' We usually all agree to either like it or dislike it, and then move on. But this time I had ideas that I kind of passed along to Jeff, and Jeff put them into the songs. We were all giving our two cents. I think it was the fact that we went into the studio less prepared, know what I mean? We needed to get into the studio right away, record right away, to get something done by the summer." So when did you finally finish all these sessions?

Araya: "We finished right before we took off for the five shows we did in Canada with MEGADETH, a week before that. Then we spent a week rehearsing. Now we're out here with MANSON on the Mayhem tour." What are your favorite tracks on the album?

Araya: "Kerry's written some really good ones. I'm more biased, I lean towards Jeff! Jeff's got some really great writing skills, at least music-wise. He's got some really great songs on this one. They're songs that are slightly different from what we've done, but they're still Slayer, know what I mean? They've got melody, they have huge dynamics in the songs. The songs take you on a roller coaster ride, which is really great. But the overall record is really good, and whenever we do a record, that's what we strive for - that every song matters, not just one."

Read the entire interview here.

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