AC/DC Fan Frets Wheelchair May Bar Him From Moncton Show

August 4, 2009, 14 years ago

news ac rock hard dc

CBC News is reporting:

One of AC/DC's biggest fans in Moncton fears he'll miss the legendary Australian rock band's concert on Thursday because he's in a wheelchair.

There is a platform at the Magnetic Hill concert site for disabled people to watch the show, but tickets for that section are already sold out.

Jamie Vautour, 15, said he's a huge fan of lead singer Angus Young and has been looking forward to seeing the rock band perform in Moncton.

But last week it looked as though Vautour wouldn't get to see AC/DC live.

Pauline Vautour, Jamie's mother, called on Friday to buy her son a ticket.

"The patio they got for the wheelchair accessible was sold out like they didn't have any [tickets]. And I asked if [people with disabilities] could travel in the ground and they answered me, 'No you're supposed to stay on the stage and there's no place," Vautour said.

The uncertainty over the concert tickets is not sitting well with the 15-year-old fan.

"When she told me, like I didn't feel good in my stomach," Vautour said.

"It hurts for me just for thinking of each and every wheelchair person in Moncton, like they want to go but they can't cause they're in a wheelchair."

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