CRADLE OF FILTH, ANGTORIA Backing Vocalist SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA - "Today I Woke Up To A Huge Cock Outside My Window"

August 8, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news sarah jezebel deva cradle of filth angtoria

SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA, who has contributed vocals to CRADLE OF FILTH, COVENANT, THERION, MORTIIS and ANGTORIA among others, has issued the following studio update:

"Day 2 of recording...

Today I woke up to a huge cock outside my window. It had the most beautiful plumage and like most big cocks, it woke me up at four pissing am! No... not that kind! As I said yesterday, the studio is part of a farm and there are lots of ducks and chickens and other things with feathers. Lovely! Just not lovely at 4 am! After I managed to get back to sleep, I woke up to gun shots being fired. Obvious really. A farmer was shooting Game. Mark, the studio/label boss told me this farmer breeds his game to just shoot them, nice huh! So I came up with a great plan, there surely has to be a hole in the market for breeding farmers? A new sport maybe!? Breed a farmer, let him run around just so I can shoot his face off! Sounds great to me. If only that was legal. Hope his gun back fires and shoots his bollocks off!

Ok, so yesterday, Dave finished his bass in stupid time! It took him no more than two and a half hours, goes to show how pro that man is in my opinion. He did a great job, can't wait to turn him down in the mix.

I personally was crapping myself doing my vocals. You always have an idea of how they will turn out and they never actually go how you plan them to but I kinda surprised myself. Completed two tracks last night and another five today. (The rest were completed in Oz when I was living there) I sailed through and I have no idea how or why but I am soooo excited about this album. No hick ups, no problems! I was booked in the studio for five days and we did everything in less than 24hrs, the rest of the time I spent trying to catch chickens (hoping they would at least let me play with them) and running away from stupid wasps! I HATE THEM!

Well tomorrow we are having a meeting about the music video and there really isn't anything else left to say because nothing went wrong and it was all recorded so fast. The next thing to say really is we are looking at a February release date for next year and er, thanks for reading!! I will keep you up to date!"

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