NARNIA - Two More Songs Streaming

August 12, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news narnia

Sweden's NARNIA have issued the following update:

"We have uploaded two more songs from our new album, Course Of A Generation, for streaming on this site.

For those of you Europeans who still haven't bought the album - we hope that the aggressive 'Curse Of A Generation' and the super sing-a-long friendly 'Scared' will convince you once and for all that this album is a must-have!"

A previous update from the band states: "We are glad to announce that we are signing with the Japanese label SoundHolic. Course Of A Generation will be released in Japan on October 28th. So, highly respected Japanese fans, hang in there - there will be bonus material for you!

Finally we have signed a deal for a USA release as well. This is great news to us, and with our album available we hope to get a good connection to US fans in the future. The release is coming up soon and there will be bonus material on this edition as well. More details will follow...

Next show - the Zaragon Rock Club in Jönköping, SE on September 5th, which is the hometown of (guitarist/keyboardist) CJ. Be there!"

As previously reported, Narnia's new album, Course Of A Generation, was released in Europe on July 24th.

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