"METAL MIKE" CHLASCIAK Launches Metal Heroes Music Academy

August 12, 2009, 14 years ago

news chlasciak metal mike riff notes

C.M.M. Entertainment, LLC and "METAL MIKE" CHLASCIAK are pleased to announce the launch of Metal Heroes Music Academy - world’s first heavy metal institution providing workshops, extended sessions and summer camps for metal players at all levels.

“Its always been on my mind - a heavy metal establishment where players can meet, discuss, take classes and learn metal riffs from each other. A real brick and mortar place where you can get better and jam with other people that have the same interests as you. I kept thinking how cool would it be to have something like that, something you can call your own and have all this stuff happening. It’s all about the timing and scheduling, commitment and so forth. It just feels right to make this happen today. The truth is that you can have great time while you get the info that you want if you surround yourself in an environment that supports your interests. I think we are in for some good times and well, a whole lot of metal”, explains "Metal Mike".

Metal Heroes allows players to pick a workshop or a music camp that interests them and fits their current playing ability. Easy as that.

Metal Heroes Music Academy is conveniently located at New Jersey’s Premiere Recording and Rehearsal Complex: AArius Studios, 4420 Bordentown Ave #4, Sayreville, NJ.

To start with a bang - Metal Heroes Music Academy and AARIUS Studios invite everyone down to the Open House - Saturday, August 29th, 1 - 5 PM at AARIUS Studios, 4420 Bordentown Ave #4, Sayreville, NJ. FREE Admission for all.

The September Itinerary follows below:

September 12th, 2009

Recording Workshop: How to get and record proper metal guitar tone

Open to 10 students only.

Students will spend time in a real recording environment where Mike will go through dispelling the myths behind gear, selecting the right gear for your sound, microphone placement, microphone selection, outboard gear and a lot more. Planning to record a CD in the near future? Can't miss this. Get that crushing guitar tone!


Session One - 12 to 2:30 PM

Session Two: 3:30 to 6 PM

September 19th, 2009

Proper Guitar Set-Up and Maintenance Workshop

Open to 10 students only.

Time: 12 to 2 PM

This get together will finally set the truth straight on how to properly maintain your axe and change your strings so they do not slip and stay in tune day after day. You’ll learn a million tips used by the pros. We’ll go over a guitar set up including an in-depth look at the Floyd Rose vibrato bar system. I guarantee your guitar will play easier and faster and most importantly you will know how to adjust it yourself time after time. Why pay local guitar shop? For the price of one set up at their place and you’ll know how to do this yourself! We’ll also cover thrus rod adjustment, intonation, tools needed and general care of your axe.

For more information please visit MetalMusicAcademy.com or e-mail: Info@MetalMusicAcademy.com .

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