HADES - Resisting Success Line-Up Reunites For Two Shows

August 12, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news hades

New Jersey-based metallers HADES have issued the following announcement:

For the first time since 1986, Hades classic Resisting Success line-up will perform together for two shows in April. Drummer T. Coombs will perform with Hades for the first time since the cd Exist To Resist was released in 1994. Guitarist Scott LePage (who actually played bass on Saviorself and The Downside in 1999 and 2000) returns to lead guitar for Hades for the first time since recording Resisting Success.

1986 Scott,Jimmy,Dan, Alan, Tom

"The German promoter from Keep It True kept telling me fans would really like an old school performance of songs from the first two albums," said guitarist Dan Lorenzo. Lorenzo continued; "When I relayed our conversations to (Hades bassist) Jimmy Schulman, Jimmy asked me what I thought about doing the show with Tom on drums and maybe having both Scott LePage and Ed Fuhrman perform. Ed passed on it, but Scott was really psyched when we first pitched the idea to him. It's a bit difficult with Jimmy living in L.A. and Scott in Dallas, but they'll both fly up for some rehearsals around the holidays then again right before we play at Keep It True. The night before we leave we'll have a show in NJ or NYC."

Vocalist Alan Tecchio said, "I am so stoked that the legendary T. Coombs is going to be behind the drum kit for these two shows and I am sure the fans will feel the same way. Hades has made some great recordings since his departure but his signature style helped give the first four Hades recordings their unique sound. He and bassist Jimmy Schulman gave the band the progressive tag that got prog fans into what was essentially a thrash band."

As to why drummer T.Coombs rejoined at this time, Coombs said: "I feel now Hades has come full circle. After all these years apart the things that led to the break up of the band do not matter anymore, and the good memories will inspire us to perform these songs again and enjoy the journey that started so long ago. I am also amazed that our die hard fans have kept the songs alive for almost 25 years.As a founding member of the band, it just feels right."

The recently released Hades DVD "Bootlegged in Boston 1988" is now available in Best Buys nationwide. For more information on Hades go to this location.

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