SLAYER Singer Tom Araya On World Painted Blood - "This Is The First Time I've Ever Been Excited About A Release Of An Album"; Tracklisting Revealed

August 20, 2009, 15 years ago

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Former Metal Edge Editor In Chief Phil Freeman has written a track-by-track review of the new SLAYER album, World Painted Blood for MSN Music's Heavy Metal Superfan website. Check it out at this location.

World Painted Blood is due out in October via American Recordings/Columbia Records and will feature the following tracks:

'World Painted Blood'

'Unit 731'


'Beauty Through Order'

'Hate Worldwide'

'Public Display Of Dismemberment'

'Human Strain'


'Psychopathy Red'

'Playing With Dolls'

'Not Of This God'

Slayer singer Tom Araya spoke with recently about the anxiously-awaited new album. "This is the first record that I'm really anticipating. I'm really excited about the songs. The overall record itself, the songs are very dynamic, very classic Slayer. When listening to all the playbacks I'm going, 'I can't wait for people to hear this thing.' This is the first time I've ever been excited about a release of an album. The other records have been great, but this is the first time I really want people to react and respond."

You've greeted us with two new songs already - 'Hate Worldwide', 'Psychopathy Red' - galloping, ferocious and thrashy. Can you describe the rest of the album?

"It's got your speed, but it's got your classic Slayer. It has riffy parts and extended parts. Just like Slayer songs go, like a roller-coaster ride. I'm thinking this will be a nice album to add to the collection (laughs)."

Is the album title a theme that runs through the record?

"Yes, it's a theme that runs through the record and it's obviously the title of one song. It's a theme, the way the world is now. Even the songs about murderers and serial killers. Some of these songs don't have a face or a name to them, but it's happening. Like the song 'Playing With Dolls', there's no name attached to who it's written about, but it's written about what's happening in society now and how it affects people and mess people up."

Watch for more of's chat with Tom Araya in the coming days.

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