PANDEMONIUM's Hellord - "...Hellish Noise And Chaos, That's What We Want To Spread Through Out Music"

August 26, 2009, 15 years ago

news life in black pandemonium

Portugal's Hell On Fire has issued an interview with guitarist/vocalist Hellord of Swedish progressive black/death metallers PANDEMONIUM. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Any special meaning for the name Pandemonium?

A: "The meaning is hellish noise and chaos, and that is what we want to spread through our music. But the listener will of course react and say: The music is NOT chaotic so what's the point? Then I would say: It's not the music it self that is chaotic, it's the feeling of a hellish darkness and beauty combined in chaos that we want to spread. It might sound pretty complicated, but that's the meaning. The more complicated, the more mysterious. That's the main thing."

Q: What does your lyrics talks about?

A: I can only speak for myself, but my lyrics are about dark things and dark happenings in life. It's often personal stuff. But sometimes I also use other peoples fates and experiences. All this covered with furious, destructive and dark metaphores, turns out to pandemonic lyrics."

Read the full interview at this location.

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