SAMMY HAGAR - "As Just A Straight-Up Player, Who Can Play Anything, And Plays Perfect Every Time, There’s No One Better Than JOE SATRIANI"

August 28, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard joe satriani sammy hagar

CHICKENFOOT frontman SAMMY HAGAR (ex-VAN HALEN) spoke with Russell Hall from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow: How do JOE SATRIANI and Eddie Van Halen differ in their approach to the guitar and in their approach to songwriting?

Hagar: "As a writer, Joe is faster. That makes him easier for me to work with, because I come up with things really fast as well. As soon as I hear a chord structure, I have a melody, instantly. And then five seconds later I’m writing lyrics. Working with Joe is great. If I say to him, 'Hey, let’s do something funky,' next thing I know he’s saying, 'How about this?” It’s like, bang, he’s done. Whereas with Eddie, he would come back a week later and want to re-do something.

But that said, working with Eddie was great, and we wrote great songs together. The Van-Hagar stuff still holds up fantastically well, but it was a slow process. It took three years to write the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge album. And when I tried to do the Van-Hagar reunion, in 2004, and we were trying to make a new record, Eddie could only squeeze three songs out. He’s just not as prolific, and not as fast. So that’s the difference between them as far as writing.

As far as playing goes, they’re both phenomenal. The innovations Eddie came up with in early Van Halen -- before I was in the band – were just so unique, he gets lots of points for that. But as just a straight-up player, who can play anything, and plays perfect every time, there’s no one better than Joe."

joe satriani Pictures, Images and Photos Was there ever any consideration of your playing some guitar on the Chickenfoot album? Or did you feel that doing so might interfere with your giving enough emphasis to vocals?

Hagar: "I did want to put my emphasis on vocals, but had there been a need for me to play guitar, I would have played. Things were moving really fast. Joe and I would get together, and he would write some music, and I would come up with some words and melody. It happened so fast there wasn’t time for me to learn the guitar part. First thing I knew, the song we were working on would be finished, and in the can. It took just 43 days in the studio write and record the whole album."

Sammy Hagar Pictures, Images and Photos

Read the entire interview here.

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