DARZAMAT - Entire New Album Available For Streaming This Friday

September 1, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news darzamat

Solfernus' Path, the fifth full-length studio album from Polish dark metallers DARZAMAT, will be available for streaming in its entirety on the French webzine site HeavyLaw.com on Friday, September 4th. It will be a free stream available for 24 hours.

As previously reported, the album was released on August 28th in Europe via Massacre Records and in Japan through Spiritual Beast Records. The CD was recorded in Poland under the supervision of Jaroslaw Toifl, with whom the band had previously worked on 2005's Transkarpatia (Metal Mind Productions in Europe, MVD in the USA). There are two great guests on the album: KING DIAMOND's Andy La Rocque (guitar solo in 'King Of The Burning Anthems') and STONE SOUR's Roy Mayorga (opening intro). The artwork for the new CD was created by MentalPorn.com Agency, which has previously worked with such bands as DEATHSTARS and BEHEMOTH. The album was mixed by Jonas Kjellgren (SCAR SYMMETRY guitarist) of Black Lounge Studios in Avesta, Sweden.

Solfernus' Path tracklisting:

'False Sleepwalker'

'Vote For Heresy'

'I Devium'

'Pain Collector'

'Final Conjuration'

'II Fumus'

'Gloria Inferni'

'III Venenum'

'Solfernus Path'

'Lunar Silhouette'

'King Of The Burning Anthems'

'IV Spectaculum'


'Mesmeric Seance'.

Flauros previously stated about the upcoming CD: "For the first time in our band's history, we've decided to create a concept album. It is a certain sort of novelty for us, yet we've had such an idea in our minds for a long time now. The coherent story, which is to be told by both the lyrics and the music, is a hell of a greater challenge than composing ten pieces in the similar stylistics. As the action proceeds, the music must 'react' accordingly and suitably. It is as if a screenplay, which is to attract the viewer in an interesting way."

He continued, "The story contained on the record takes place in a mysthical set, indeed, which is created by the mansion of countess Josephine von Kuchmeister, the inspiration for which was the Villa Caro in Gliwice and the palace in Plawniowice. The action of 'Solfernus' Path' takes place at the beginning of XXth century. The main character is a medicine student who undergoes a spiritual transformation. He goes beyond the carnal world and he notices the 'other side.' Everything is dressed in fairy-like climate, full of the occult 'keys.' Nothing is obvious, nothing here is predictable.

"The title Solfernus is of course not the main character of the story, but it's eminence grise. The character of Solfernus derives from the play 'Dalliance with Devil' written by the Czech dramatist Jan Drda. It is only a tiny inspiration, an impuls where one should not seek any similarities. Drda's play is grotesque and humorous, while our story is of a completely different character, much closer to Stefan Grabinski's horror short stories than to the ones of the Czech playwright."

Darzamat released its first-ever live DVD, entitled Live Profanity (Visiting the Graves of Heretics), in North America in August 2007 via Metal Mind Productions (the DVD was released in Europe a month earleir). The disc was recorded at the 21st edition of the Metalmania Festival, which took place on March 24, 2007 in Katowice, Poland, and contains material comprised mostly of songs from the band's latest album, Transkarpatia. Also included is the group's surprise performance of the song 'Diabelski Dom' by the cult Polish metal band KAT, featuring a guest appearance by KAT leader Roman Kostrzewski. The DVD also includes additional footage from the Winternachtstraum Festival, which took place in February 2007 in Arnsberg, Germany, two unreleased tracks, video clips, and an interview with Flauros and Nera.

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