MEGADETH Mainman Dave Mustaine - "My Career Right Now Is Better Than It’s Ever Been"

September 1, 2009, 14 years ago

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Peter Hodgson from spoke with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine recently about a number of topics including their new album, Endgame. A few excerpts from the chat follow: Endgame is really energetic and angry. Where did that come from?

Mustaine: "I don’t really know what spurred this on other than just being in a good place right now. I’m happy. I still have some of the things that have wounded me – the scars are never going to go away, but it’s just the way I’m dealing with things now. And I think that’s probably the key to everything. If I look at my circumstances it’s like looking at scores from yesterday’s football matches. In the beginning, even though it’s zero to zero, at some point that time’s already designated and it’s already been exposed, expired, lapsed and it happened. And for me I’ve just got to accept those things and just do the absolute very best I can to work up to those moments. My career right now is better than it’s ever been. I’ve got a brand new contract I just signed with ClearChannel Radio over here for three years, my book’s coming out next year, my record’s coming out next month. I believe I’ve written the best record of my career and I love the way that the fans are reacting to it. And even more importantly than anyone’s reaction to it, it just seems like people have forgiven me for whatever it was they were mad at me about, and my heart is just so, just leaping with gladness. Because I am no longer the easiest boy to hate in heavy metal." Are you planning anything to mark the 20th anniversary of Rust In Peace?

Mustaine: "Well if they’re asking about me playing with those guys again I think I’ve made it pretty clear." Well even something like a special commemorative release, or playing the album start-to-finish live.

Mustaine: "Yeah, I’ve heard that, but my answer is pretty simple: If it was gonna happen it would have. I don’t think it’ll ever happen. I don’t dislike any of those guys. We did have some very difficult periods together but I was just as difficult to be around as they were. And all I want to do right now is just bless them and just let them know I’m a fan of theirs. Even the ones I had a hard time with, I’m a fan of theirs. They were part of my life and I look to those times together with great fondness." Also with an album as strong as Endgame I dunno why you’d wanna look back 20 years?

Mustaine: "Yeah, why? People are saying ‘Can you get together and do a reunion thing?’ and it’s like, ‘Yeah but you have to suck both my eyes out first.’ No disrespect to those guys but it’s like that old saying when you marry your girlfriend: ‘Why buy the cow when the milk is free?’ I’m sure there’s something nasty like that. But I love where we’re at right now and I wouldn’t change anything for anything. There’s no reason to make any changes to anything. Period."

Read the entire interview here.

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