CRYSTAL VIPER Record New Song For European Version Of Stronghold Game; Details Revealed

September 20, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news crystal viper

BW&BK; has received the following press release:

After returning from several festivals including Battlefield Metal Fest in Spain, Up The Hammers in Greece, and MANOWAR's Magic Circle Festival in Germany, and before starting pre-production of the forthcoming, third full length studio album, Polish female fronted heavy metal squad CRYSTAL VIPER, entered the Polish MP Studio to record the 'Stronghold: Under Siege' song for the most awaited board game of the year: Stronghold. Song has been recorded with Mariusz Pietka behind the recording/mixing console, and with Bart Gabriel as the producer. The 'Stronghold' single will be released on October 8th as the digital download and CD single, which will be added to the European edition of the Stronghold game. The band is also working on the official video clip for the song, which will feature XIII and XV century knight brotherhoods.

Stronghold is the classic rpg/board game, and will be released in 4 versions: Polish (Portal), German (Phalanx Games), French (Iello) and English (distribution in UKL and Europe: Esdevium Games). The game is one of the biggest, and most monumental production of the famous Portal company: the box with the game will include almost 100 cards, more than 300 wooden elements, more than 130 coins and 2 playing boards. Portal company has already a cult status in the rpg circles, due to bestsellers such as Neuroshima and Monastyr.

More information to be found at the official Crystal Viper MySpace page and at the official website of the Portal company.

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