ARCH ENEMY's Angela Gossow To Take Part In Vocal Seminar At Heavy Metal & Gender Congress

September 22, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news arch enemy

ARCH ENEMY's Angela Gossow will be doing a vocal workshop at the Heavy Metal & Gender Congress at Cologne University of Music & Dance on October 8th, 2009.

She will also be part of the panel discussion on 'Women In Metal' together with Doro Pesch, Sabina Classen and Britta Goertz later the same day. For more info read the press release:

Heavy Metal and Gender - International Congress - October 8th to 10th, 2009

Cologne University of Music and Dance

Organizer: Dr. Florian Heesch (History | Herstory) in collaboration with Prof. Michael Rappe

Heavy metal is music of men and women. But even though it generally attracts as many female as male fans today, heavy metal often emphasizes sexual differences.The congress will discuss gender roles, differences and stereotypes in heavy metal culture from an interdisciplinary and international perspective involving scholars as well as musicians and fans. It brings into account the broad variety of heavy metal as it has developed over the last 40 years and its global dissemination manifested in a high amount of subgenres.

It will be the first scholarly conference on heavy metal in Germany and the first metal conference world-wide, which focuses on issues of gender.

The programme includes a panel discussion on “Women in Metal” with Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy), Doro Pesch (DORO), Sabina Classen (HOLY MOSES), Britta Görtz (CRIPPER).

Practical aspects are highly fundamental to the congress, including

- A vocal workshop “Extreme, Aggressive, Female” with Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy)
- “Kammer-Metall”: ensemble cras plays metal related chamber music
- A concert, Female Aggression, with Doro, Holy Moses, and Cripper at Live Music Hall, Cologne, October 10th, 2009

Furthermore, the programme includes keynote lectures by internationally renowned scholars Deena Weinstein (Chicago) and Robert Walser (Los Angeles), and 24 papers by scholars from - amongst others - Brazil, Canada, UK, Germany, Finland, Poland, Indonsia, and Australia, on issues as

- “OZZY OSBOURNE as a Male Role Model”
- “Metal and the Male Monster”
- “Heavy Metal as Racial Cocoon”
- “Public Perceptions of Masculinity and Femininity in Turkish Metal”
- “Leather Sisterhood: Metal, Masculinity, and Lesbian Fandom”

For full programme and booking please visit the website.

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