ELEXORIEN Seeking New Female Singer - "A Stage-Beast With One Hell Of A Voice!"

September 29, 2009, 15 years ago

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Dutch battle metal outfit ELEXORIEN, who recently completed a South American tour with GOD DETHRONED, have checked in with the following update:

"Mightiest of hails to you all, Legions of the Warblade!

Now that five of us remain, we are as of now looking for a new sixth member to complete our ranks once more. For this, a new female vocalist is needed. For those who consider themselves worthy and daring enough to join us, a few things may be of interest to you, all jotted down in the following list.

We offer the following grand adventures, splendid deeds and epic quests:

-- Plenty of shows, in the Netherlands as well as abroad. The South-American conquest we recently undertook was but the beginning of even grander things to come!

-- An extremely varied style of music with plenty of room for your personal touch and ideas.
-- Recording of our second album, early 2010.
-- As one cannot solely fight battles, tons of fun and good times will of course be had.

We expect, require and demand the following:

-- Outstanding vocal skills, and knowledge on how to turn a stage into your personal battleground. In short, a stage-beast with one hell of a voice! (Preferably classically trained singers !)
-- Experience, as much as possible. On stage as well as experience in working in and with a band.
-- A professional attitude.
-- 200% dedication! We will not settle for anything less, as Elexorien is a huge part of our lives, and we have no desire to be 'just another band.'
-- A well-developed sense of humour, in order to survive the long road to our shows.
-- Your own means of transport is not required but it would be greatly appreciated.

In case you still think you are the one for us, then please send us your application per e-mail, which includes everything about you (+ sound clips / mp3s / Myspace links, etc…) to the follwing address: info@elexorien.com

More information about the band, some songs to listen to, lyrics, live material, tour dates, and everything else you might need to get an idea of who we are and what we do is available at www.elexorien.com and www.myspace.com/elexorienband.

We await your applications with high hopes and grand expectations!"

As always, we hail and salute you...

Liza, Bert, Wolve, Merlijn, Lainedil

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