LITTLE CAESAR - "Approaching Things In A Purist Manner"

October 1, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard little caesar

Classic Rock's Dave Ling recently interviewed LITTLE CAESAR vocalist Ron Young about his band's first new album in 17 years – Redemption. An excerpt follows:

After all the calamities first time around, does this feel like putting your head back into the lion’s mouth?

"Not really. But first time around everything that could go wrong for us did go wrong. This time, so many things in the record business have changed. Attitude-wise, we have also come to realise that if people like us then that makes us successful. We’re approaching things in a purist manner: Whatever happens, happens. In a more practical sense, we had done quite a few shows and got tired of playing the same old songs."

Does that explain why Redemption is being self-released?

"Exactly. We spoke to a few labels but with the motivation no longer being to make money they didn’t have much to offer that we couldn’t do ourselves. That having been said, we’ve since had approaches from Europe, so going down the label route is still possible."

Stylistically, Redemption picks up right where the debut left off.

"I’m glad that you say that. We’ve always seen ourselves as a rhythm & blues-based hard rock band. It was like pulling teeth to make labels see that we were not trying to compete with hair-metal bands like WINGER and WARRANT. In that sense there were problems working with Bob [Rock] and on the second record [with Howard Benson]. Now all those years later, we can be what we wanted all along."

To read the rest of the interview, click here.

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