DE PROFUNDIS Issue Album, Management And Traitorfest Updates

October 1, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news de profundis

Roman Subbotin, guitarist for London, UK-based progressive extreme metal band DE PROFUNDIS, has issued the following update:Hailz!

"Despite appearances, things have been very busy behind the scenes at the De Profundis camp. Emerging out of the depths and onto Indian music shops shelves was our debut album earlier this month, courtesy of Sony BMG. Whilst early indications are that we cannot yet retire on a private island in the Pacific based off the royalties alone, I have heard encouraging sounds that our CD sales are not Beyond Redemption after all.

Following the dreadful succession of puns above, I will now attempt to write the remainder of this update without using any more cheap humour.

First off, we would also like to announce our partnership with Grey and Saurian Artist Management, who will be representing us in India. Having already worked with ENSLAVED and George Kolias (NILE), we are confident that Grey and Saurian will be able to take De Profundis to the next level. We have been really impressed by Shashwat and his team and look forward to working with them!

Closer to home, our next show will be Traitorfest, at Satan's Hollow in Manchester. The billing is as follow:

9:15 – REQUIEM




5:40 – NOX



More info on the Clanglestrim Produckshins page here.

We have been informed that the Lille gig in France will most likely take place in a different venue to the one advertised so far. We will make an announcement as soon as we have confirmation from the promoters. Rest assured, though, that the show will still be going ahead.

Finally, I can reveal that we are making good progress with regards to releasing our recently completed second album, A Bleak Reflection, and that we are hoping for Dec '09 or Jan '10 release. However, this is all that I can say at this point! We are all quite excited about the developments that the next few weeks will bring - I will share all as soon as I can!

Hope everyone is doing well! Although, best to avoid 'doing wells. Aha, I managed to get in another bad pun."

Bleakest regards

Roman & De Profundis

Go to this location for the band's live intinerary and audio samples.

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