THEM CROOKED VULTURES - Josh Homme Says New Album Will Be Out This Year

October 3, 2009, 14 years ago

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Josh Homme (QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE) from THEM CROOKED VULTURES - the new supergroup also featuring John Paul Jones (LED ZEPPELIN) and Dave Grohl (FOO FIGHTERS) spoke with Skwerl from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Antiquiet: What’s going on with the album?

Homme: "Well, we just finished figuring out what songs we’re going to put on it, which took a little bit of time. We couldn’t decide what [we wanted] to do. Do you make a triple album? An EP? How many songs is too much? I tend to think that even if you’ve got a bunch of good songs, maybe you should err on the side of brevity, and keep it tight. But we really enjoy lots of songs, so we couldn’t decide."

Antiquiet: And they’re long songs…

Homme: "Some are, yeah. We call them battleships when they’re big. There’s about four battleships. And like, do you put ‘em all on? I dunno, it’s a tough call."

Antiquiet: Any name for it yet?

Homme: "It’s a self-titled."

Antiquiet: How about a release?

Homme: "We’ve been doing a lot of stuff real kind of secretive, and we actually made a pact to not know when it’s coming out, the band guys. I’m betting… Well it’s going to be before the end of the year… We kind of have a little running bet on what the date is. And I intend to win that bet, because I’m going to cheat."

Read the entire interview here.

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